Studio code

  1. All students are expected to arrive on time to class.

  2. All students are expected to attend class each week. (If you miss 3 classes within 2 months, you may not be able to perform in the show)

  3. All students are to be dressed appropriately for class. See Dress Code information.

  4. Only water allowed in all studios. All food must be left in the office.

  5. No cell phones allowed during class.

  6. Please inform the teacher if a child must be picked up early. This must be arranged prior to the class beginning. Please send your child with a note.

  7. If a student’s ride is going to be late, please be sure to call & let us know.

  8. All students are expected to respect their teachers and other dancers at all times.

  9. Kreative Legends reserves the right to suspend or expel a student for rude or inappropriate behavior towards any staff or other students.

  10. All students are expected to try their best and work as hard as they can while in the studio. Personal integrity and hard work are what makes training fun and challenging for everyone.